Yeah, there will be a lot of buyers in line for that domain name...
this is a quote of a quote taken from anthoney mathenia:.
" for organizations like the watchtower, absolute control of their message is paramount.
it will not even allow its own adherents to spread their good news online.
Yeah, there will be a lot of buyers in line for that domain name...
i was watching a couple videos on youtube earlier and always like to peruse the comments at the bottom of the page.. i'm no sure if this has been discussed recently, but one indivdual made the claim that the societies numbers are massively over inflated, as he/she believes that they include inactive, df'd and da'd in their figures.. does anyone have any information to confirm this or i this just another assumption made without evidence?.
(also has anyone heard from witnessmyfury lately?
i had a pm chat with him a few days ago but not had a reply to my latest msgs.
Almost all growth within the borg falls in two major categories:
Baptized children of current JWs
Non-JW spouses and family members moving into JW households (retired or disabled parents, etc.) who convert to keep the peace
One other category that I keep tripping across that encompasses most non-JW related converts is due to personal tragedy:
"My husband had just been killed in a car accident. That very next weekend two nice JW ladies came to my door and offered me a free Bible study and explained how I could someday be with my husband again..." and others like that.
Also in this category are the co-worker or fellow student converts:
"My marriage was breaking up (or, my parents had thrown me out of the house) and I was desperate. Co-worker JW noticed that I was distressed and joined me for lunch and told me there was a place where I could get support and new friends. I finally decided to go to the Kingdom Hall and immediately felt welcomed and loved ("love-bombing" by the book). Everyone was so nice to me...etc."
My websites get a lot of emails that are either from leaving JWs who tell these stories about how they got hooked, or by newly converted JWs who are trying to convince me that JWs are really the good people they claim to be and that I am just printing lies about the Watchtower.
I don't think (other than in convention demonstrations) I've ever seen a case where a new JW was converted because the JWs convinced them during a door to door encounter or a formal Bible study. In fact, everyone that I've met that actually agreed to have a "free Bible study" ended that type of association between the 2nd or 5th study meet. Remember that a lot of Bible Studies reported on the annual report are actually family Bible studies with unbaptized spouses and children who have no choice but to convert.
That's not to say that no one has ever been converted due to a door-to-door visit. Richard Kelly's mother was converted that way. And Richard Kelly's mother converted my mother that way (actually through a door knock referral). But in both cases, our mothers were in desperate situations due to family tragedies or conflict. So they were vulnerable.
Those are the key words: Vulnerable or Related.
this is a quote of a quote taken from anthoney mathenia:.
" for organizations like the watchtower, absolute control of their message is paramount.
it will not even allow its own adherents to spread their good news online.
Looks like they've designed their website around the template - but using a Wordpress backend and theme. I expect others to do likewise very soon - but at some point the WT will start sending them prepared material to post on their websites and limit their features like comments and attachments. The Watchtower will take these over exactly as they have the Kingdom Halls. They will soon all look alike and publish mostly the same materials prepared by HQ. Anyone that will try to remain independent will get the DF ax.
it does no good for the governing body to burry their heads up their ass in denial as to what people who have left are saying about them and their insane selfserving teachings.
i know denial is a real bitch to deal with and i'm sure this bunch of over the hill gang will have a hard time doing google searches and they are probably not sure where to look but they oughta get some one to show them how to find all this information, this willful ignorance is really hurting them, and reality can come crashing in more horrible ways the longer the denial exist and is hiding valuable information you really need before you proceed to make better decisions for your company and the direction you want it to go..
The leaders (both corporate and religious) of the Watchtower are no different than the management and boards of big corporations like Exxon, BP, Monsanto, Shell, General Dynamics and others. They all are fully aware, both internally and via news and editorials, that their products are killing people, damaging the environment, changing the weather, and poisoning our food sources. They don't care. All they care about is their profit line and how many more millions and billions they can accumulate.
When the economy crashed in the USA in 2008 and nearly brought down the rest of the world with it, the only changes they made were to accommodate the government so that they could get huge influxes of government money to bail them out and save their companies. After it is all over do you realize that the corporate managers of all those banks and insurance companies are richer than ever? That even the Madoff family is still very, very rich?
So goes the Governing Body and the Pennsylvania and New York Watchtower corporations. They are still getting a constant flow of cash, even though they do not produce one single worthwhile product or service. They are a "charitable organization" that has no charities, provides no tangible services to their communities or society as a whole. They use the money to keep their corporate managers and Bethel volunteers on the job. In the background they are investing the funds in more real estate, hedge funds and sub-corps.
One of my contacts with close ties to WT HQ (whom I have quoted a few times here on JWN) knows that everytime a new policy or decision or a tweak of a doctrinal teaching occurs, there is a lot of "wink, wink, nudge, nudge" going on at the highest levels. It's the same as the top of the Mormon and Scientology corporations - they know what is going on, they are not nearly as stupid as they sometimes seem. Translate a whole new Bible from a few thin sheets of copper stamped on both sides by sticking your head in a hat with a few river stones in it behind a bed sheet? And do it all in Elizabethan English? Write science fiction stories and religious dogma at the same time while drinking yourself blitzo every night? Is that the way God reveals himself to man? Or is it just a way to create a con to suck in thousands of well-meaning wanna be doogooders? The leaders of the Watchtower are fully aware that they are promoting a con - and they don't care and will never care until governments finally take away their "freedom of religion" and "tax-free charitable organization" dodges. Oh yeah, Jehovah talks to each of the Governing Body members while they are praying in their closets - but messes with their heads by giving them all different takes on the same subject. He's jerking their chain - that's why every vote the GB takes is not unanimous or even has a passing majority.
It's a scam folks. And you can't reason with scammers. That's their skill - they can reason with you and get you to change your mind, but they know exactly what they are doing and why and never once lose any sleep over it.
even though watchtower's application has been rejected, they will be allowed to use the logo because it is for religious usage and will not be confused with commercial products.. the trademark office did note this:.
indeed, numerous other marks are registered reflecting the letters j and w:.
Betcha I can TradeMark ""...
As I suspected... The JWs are doing a special campaign. That's why there were so many in my neighborhood this morning. They must have managed to get everyone out in service this weekend.
NEW YORK—On August 1, 2014, Jehovah’s Witnesses will begin a month-long global distribution of a new tract entitled Where Can We Find Answers to Life’s Big Questions? to raise awareness of their official website, Accessible in about 500 languages, with publications available for download in almost 700 languages, is the world’s most translated website.
i think it's hurting the country..
The United States loves to show off the Statue of Liberty to the world as proof of its open arm policy to immigrants from all over the world. But we forget how hypocritical we have been and continue to be.
To an immigrant or refugee the concept of whether they are "legal" or "illegal" has no bearing. Far more important is "being alive" or "being dead." They do not come here to "destroy America" or "steal American jobs," but rather to find food, shelter and safety.
The first Irish influx was due to the great potato famines. The Irish literally lived on potato soup. No potatoes, no soup. No soup, they die. They met with the same type of hatred and discrimination as the blacks and indians did. (See "Gangs of New York" by Martin Scorcese). They would get off the boat and many of the men were immediately conscripted into fighting in the Union army. For many, putting their lives on the line meant at least two meals a day and a clean uniform to wear and their families could stay.
Prior to World War 2 America turned back dozens of refugee ships filled with Jewish families trying to escape the Nazi purges and concentration camps. Like we are doing now with the Central American kids, we turned the ships around and sent them back and many of those innocent families died in camps or were shot as soon as they landed back on German soil. ("Voyage of the Damned.")
America's hands are not as welcoming as we love to portray. Many innocents have been sent back to their countries because they were "too sick, too poor, too crippled," or their skin was too dark. That is the case with the Central American kids. They are "too old, too sick, just more illegal Mexicans, and too needy."
Americans should be ashamed. What has happened to our empathy - or do we even have any left? What if situations were reversed and our kids were in danger? Would you be satisfied to just stay where you are and let the kidnappers or death squads just come and do their nasty deeds? Or would you try to escape - or at least get your kids out of harm's way?
Those of us in the United States know who is behind this anti-Central American immigrant movement. While they may win the moment, the tide will eventually turn and eventually some balance will be found to deal with these problems.
Maybe something is up...
This morning something happened that I have never seen before - at least not since I was a JW in the 1950s-60s.
I was still in bed around 10:00 AM (very late night for me) when I heard the doorbell ring. My puppy immediately went ballistic. I figured it was a neighbor or the UPS delivery man. I tossed on my robe and went down stairs groggy-eyed, unshaven, still half asleep figuring that whoever rang the bell would be long gone.
A young JW fellow in nice khaki pants, pastel shirt and a nice tie - accompanied by a young woman - were still standing at my door waiting patiently. They got to see me at my absolute worst, but I patiently listened as he made his presentation.
Holding a "Where can we find answers to life's big questions?" flyer, he begins by simply reading the title and then the three questions at the bottom: Science? Philosophy? the Bible? He then briefly opens and shows me what is in the interior and then flips to the back and points to the logo.
I asked him what he thought was the answer. "Oh, the Bible, of course."
"Really? For 'big questions'? What about science, history, the economy, recipes, the weather?"
"No, I am talking about 'life's big questions."
"What big questions would you ask it?"
That stopped him for a second, so the young woman with him jumped in. "The important questions!"
"Such as?"
"Why are we here? How did we get here? What will happen to us? When will God destroy this system of things."
At that point, the young man asked if they could step in and discuss it further. I said no, I really wasn't dressed for visitors, my dog needed to be fed, but that they were welcome to return sometime at 'a more reasonable hour.' He gave me the flyer and the left with a very noticeable spring in their step. They must have thought that they have a possible convert just waiting for a bible study.
The really interesting thing for me was what was going on in the background. The street was literally filled with JW couples. From inside my door I could only see across the street and a short distance up the curve to my right, but I could see at least six or seven couples all working together - mostly male/female.
It got me to thinking that maybe all of the apostate bashing about how they tend to just drive into a neighborhood, hit a couple of houses and then leave, might have changed their approach to door to door work. Send a blast of JWs to one neighborhood and keep them together so that they can't skip houses or just sit in their cars. Shame them into knocking every door...
This is also a bit of a change for me. I know that my house has been "marked" for some time as the home of an apostate. I often leave my big window in my office open during the day (I have a really beautiful front yard and view) and when they come in the neighborhood my dog barks to let me know there are strangers around. So I see them pass my house with bookcase or books in hand and then keep moving down the street. Obviously I'm home - they can see me right through the window - but they don't stop. It is strange because I have always been nice to them and welcoming and when I have spoken to them I always let them say their prepared intro. My town is not that big and has three KHs all with fair membership. So based on my experience as a kid they should be hitting my neighborhood (very safe, somewhat upscale) at least 4 times a year. I do get flyers at Memorial and before the District Convention (usually held in our city), but hardly ever just a stop and chat.
The flyer, of course, is interesting in itself, with a graphic of a smart phone right on the front cover. is prominent in the interior as is a photo of a lady sitting at her laptop. The whole point of the flyer is "get on the computer and internet." You really have to focus hard to find "Jehovah's Witnesses" on the back page in very small, thin, and light font. You need a magnifying glass to read (c) 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania deep int the far left corner. There is a qr-code that takes you to a video on
By the way - the JW logo has the separating period on the left of org. They apparently have dumped the version that has the period to the right of JW. If you go to the web page labeled "About Jehovah's Witnesses" and look at the logo in the header photo, you will see that the period is still on the right, whereas the logo on the actual page is actually on the left.
Based on the initial offering...
today i was at the meeting (i go there about once a month now).
in the service meeting they had a part where they interviewed the secretary of the congregation.. so one question was: "why are the service reports so important?".
our secretary explained that the reports are important, because the elders can see, who is spiritually weak.
At least part of what the speaker said was true:
"What he spew out next just left me speechless. He literally said looking to the audience:
"You are not surviving Armaggedon (sp)...!"
You will not survive Armageddon for two reasons, but not because you "are spiritually weak."
1. There will never be an Armageddon as described by Jehovah's Witnesses or inferred by some biblical quotations.
2. None of us will survive. We are all going to die. Period. End of story.
So go ahead and be "spiritually weak." It won't make a damn bit of difference.
Sorry, but this bit of truth is coming to you from your friend, Juan Viejo.